Collins Burner (10)

Submitted by jeffsmith on Thu, 01/03/2019 - 11:23


Holmes Booth & Atwood
Manufacturer City State
Waterbury, Connecticut
Information On Burner
TW-"PAT SEPT 19/65 & JAN 21/68"-Rim-"HOLMES BOOTH & ATWOOD MFG. CO. REISSUED PAT NO. 3019."-Base-"PAT.SEPT.16.62 & SEPT.21.65 REISSUED 3082"

Interior Tension Style. #1 size (2-1/2" slip chimney). One piece burner. Patent are for brass petals that hold the chimney on the inside, wick tube design and a raised deflector. Burner may have been a two piece that was soldered in place? Patent date Sept. 21, 1865 is wrong, should be Sept. 21, 1858. Holmes Booth & Atwood was the first name of the Plume & Atwood Mfg. Co.

Burner Profile Image
Collins Burner (10)
Burner Image
Collins Burner (10) Inside
Collins Burner (10) Rim Information 1
Collins Burner (10) Rim Information 2
Collins Burner (10) Rim Information 3
Collins Burner (10) Base Patent Dates
Thumbwheel Image
Collins Burner (10) Thumbwheel
Special Chimney Needed